Sunday, February 6, 2011

2009 Canvases Painted

8" x 24" family name canvas with anniversary date 
12" x 12" wedding gift for Sarah 
9" x 12" Ms. Angela's office door canvas

5" x 5" Ms. Mary and Ms. Carol's office door canvases

10" x 10" Ms. Zee's office door canvas

12" x 12"
Cupcake with "celebrate" around edges, I hang this on the front door a
few weeks prior to each person's birthday in my household

11" x 14" Christmas ornament canvas with
Christmas song titles in background

5" x 5" Hope, Faith, Love canvases painted for teacher gifts
Please don't criticize my work in progress ... not my painting but this blog rather. Here are my canvases painted in 2009, in no particular order. If you have questions about any of them please ask.

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